What is the Rise Life

As we go through life, we often find ourselves living in the parameters set by our day to day routines and our nine to five jobs. You may feel happy most days, you may have a good job, friends that care about you, a wife or a husband that loves you, but perhaps the thought has crossed your mind that there’s something more to life that you haven’t quite felt or experienced yet, but you don’t know what that something is. I want to help you articulate what that something may be, and it’s rolled up into a lifestyle we call The Rise Life.

In John 10:10, Jesus says that “I have come so that you may have life and have life abundantly.” The Rise Life is a lifestyle created from Christ centered body, soul, spirit life coaching principles that helps you live this abundant life Jesus has called us to live in the modern world we live in. This is a life characterized by personal health, wholeness, and a passion for life that’s truly developed as you build a personal relationship with your creator and as you build from that core place of wholeness into the other areas of your life as well.

You see, we were all created for the purpose of being in a loving relationship with our creator. When sin entered the world through our ancestors decisions, mankind was separated from our creator. Since our purpose of being in a relationship with our creator is literally etched into our DNA, a God shaped hole was formed in our soul when this separation happened. Often we try to fill that hole with things like personal accomplishment, food, people, social media, or even things like drugs and alcohol but those things may satisfy for a moment but they are mere fleeting gratifications compared to the enduring fulfillment that’s received as we enter into a personal relationship with our heavenly father through his son Jesus.

As we enter true wholeness through relationship with our creator, it’s important to build the other areas of one’s life that contribute to wholeness as well. There are many spiritual leaders who give spiritual guidance for a wholesome spiritual life but we found there was a missing link where people also needed the guidance that would help them live life abundantly in other areas of their life as well. This is why we provide the nutrition and fitness support to build and strengthen the temple God has given us. We also have mindset and emotional intelligence coaching to bring our souls into a place of peace that builds upon the internal wholeness we need in life. We even have financial coaching for our Rise Leaders, who are a specific group of people looking to build a greater source of financial health as we teach them how to create a successful business and ministry by helping others through our whole health programs.

As we focus on a deep appreciation for this amazing life God has given us, a passion should arise inside of us to use our time wisely and to excellently steward all the pillars of life God has given us. This is a life where you feel excited to wake up in the morning, where you feel alive, and you feel and live in true joy and gratitude because you know who you are, who’s you are, and you know your true purpose and callings in life.

If you haven’t already, take action today and join our Rise Life Academy membership so we can give you the guidance and support you need to live a whole and healthy life in all areas of your life. Our academy is an environment where you can immerse yourself into a positive, uplifting, and encouraging atmosphere with real tools to help you transform into the best version of yourself through body, soul, spirit life coaching. The $47 monthly membership we offer is an investment of less than two dollars a day, that not only goes towards your own personal whole health, but it’s an investment to better equip you as a leader that will impact your family and everyone around you as you rise up and live The Rise Life.

About the Author Joseph Hunt

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